your information

Your information as a county election candidate

As a member or employee of an SAK-affiliated trade union who shares important core values with the trade union movement, you are warmly welcome to join this initiative! Simply complete the registration details below to receive a confirmation message and an updating link to your information by e-mail (remember to check your spam folder). You may also choose to send your photograph separately at a later time and add your candidate number when it is known. You can update your information until 21 January, 2022.

As a member of an SAK-affiliated trade union and a county election candidate, I undertake to work for these three basic values:(Required)
We reserve the right to remove information from the candidate gallery if we find that the candidate is acting in violation of our common core values.
If you choose “Other”, please mention the name of the party in your personal presentation
Please select your municipality
The e-mail address will not appear on the public candidate site.
The telephone number will not appear on the public candidate site.
Max. file size: 128 MB.
A square photo is preferable. Maximum image size 128 MB.
Please provide your address details if you would like SAK postal materials for county election candidates. The address will not appear on the public candidate site.

Auto- ja Kuljetusalan Työntekijäliitto AKT
Ilmailualan Unioni IAU
Julkisten ja hyvinvointialojen liitto JHL
Kaupanalan esimiesliitto KEY
Palvelualojen ammattiliitto PAM
Posti- ja logistiikka-alan unioni PAU
Rautatiealan Unioni RAU
Suomen Elintarviketyöläisten liitto SEL
Suomen Huippu-urheilijoiden Unioni SHU
Suomen Muusikkojen Liitto
Suomen Liikennelentäjäliitto
Suomen Sosialidemokraattinen Sanomalehtimiesliitto SSSL
Sähköalojen ammattiliitto
Teatteri- ja mediatyöntekijöiden liitto Teme
Vankilavirkailijain Liitto VVL
Yleinen Lehtimiesliitto